Although it's the smallest room in our house, the powder room was the hardest to decorate. For some reason i just couldn't decide on a paint color. After going through a bazillion paint samples I finally decided on Sherwin Williams Icelandic, which is a bit ridiculous because I have two other rooms painted this color. Why it didn't dawn on me to try this color first, is beyond me. Anywho, I'm pretty happy with how things turned out and will list some resources for anyone who might be interested. Starting with the Astor faucet pictured above by Newport Brass that I bought through Ebay at a very steep discount.
The little crab print is a 200 year old antique I found on Etsy for a few bucks (Maryland represent!) I had it framed up the street at McMillan Custom Framing. (Sidenote: Though pricier custom framing makes a huge difference in the appearance of your prints. Sometimes I like to shop for custom frames at flea markets and thrift shops and swap out the art they come with, with my own.)
The vintage schoolhouse light was a great find from Housewerks. If you like old fixtures or want to have period appropriate lighting, they are a must stop shop. I personally feel keeping or adding historical elements adds soul and character to your home, not to mention boosts your property value.
The ship pic is by a local photographer whose work can be found at Avenue Antiques in Hampden.
I hope you enjoyed! Now to tackle the rest of the house.