Monday, March 21, 2016

How My New Yoga Pants Changed My Life

I recently bought a new pair of yoga pants that are totally outside of my normal style ( my normal style, being no style). I don't know what made me purchase them, as they are so bold and I typically dress rather boring. When they arrived in the mail I tried them on. To my surprise, I liked them!!!! They were so not me, yet so me at the same time...if that makes any sense. Excited, I modeled them for the hubs, who proclaimed them to be absolutely hideous and not to be worn outside of the house. Usually I care a lot about what the hubs thinks, but not on this matter. I adored my new pants and not only would I be wearing them around the house, I'd be wearing them in public too. Later that day, I headed off to yoga class and to run errands in my new crazy pants. While out multiple strangers came up to me and said, "I love your pants!" Men and women alike. It really caught me off guard. My pants were causing me to enter into conversations with all kinds of people I normally would not speak to. For instance, I chatted for a while with an elderly woman in a hot pink fur coat (now how often does that happen?) It was amazing how liberating a pair of pants could be. They will forever remind me to step outside of my comfort zone, live on the wild side, and be seen. What about you? have you ever done something that was out of the norm for yourself? How did it turn out?

"The minute I stopped caring about what other people thought and started doing what I wanted to do, is the minute I finally felt free."~Unknown